Hawk Mikado is Hiring...

PSSST... We're looking to add a few members to our team. If you know anyone, send them this way/share this post with them... If you're looking, keep reading and see if you'd be a good culture fit.

Are you… fun? Interesting? Unique? Intelligent? Driven? Motivated To Create Lasting Change in the World?

Hi! Thanks for checking out our newest role at Funneltopia®...

To start, I want you to know that this position description will take you 20+ minutes to read, and then 2+ hours to apply, and 10+ hours during the interview process. We also have multiple automatic disqualification points in the hiring process...

Why? Because if you’re going to work with us, I want this to be a fruitful collaboration, where everyone wins.

If we just used the “traditional” hiring methods. You wouldn’t know if you liked working here, until it was too late...

That said, We're NOT looking for worker bees or clock-in-clock-out employees who are just working for a paycheck...

In other words, if you would work for a company you hate just to collect a wage, keep looking - you’ll never fit in here.

We ARE looking for something very particular... So keep reading and if you’re interested at the end - pay close attention to the directions (especially the correct answer to question #3) and apply...

The first automatic disqualification is in the application - more on why later in this “Do I Fit Into The Company Culture at Funneltopia®” sales letter.

One more thing...

Everyone starts at a "breadwinners base living wage" and as you level up (explained later) and get promoted you can earn up to 10x of your base wage + commission/bonuses + we profit share 10% of each quarters profits with all qualified team members.

What is a "Breadwinners Base Living Wage"?

We pay everyone a “breadwinners base living wage” - that means you’ll earn a base wage based on cost of a 2 bedroom apartment w/utilities & internet, fresh groceries for 2 adults and 2 children, and an extra 20% for entertainment and essentials. I believe that one person in a family should be able to focus on income and the other can focus on taking care of the family (if they want). Obviously not a requirement for only one person in the family to work, but you should have the choice.

Let’s go into a tad bit about who you’ll primarily report to... I'm The Funnel Genius, Hawk Mikado - I'm the co-founder of multiple 6+ & 7+ Figure companies including this one, Funnel LLC (aka Funnel Magazine). In my former agency, we helped 18+ Companies create 7+ Figure Funnels, and taught 11,973+ how to Add 6+ Figures to their business using funnels...

I'm going to let you in on a bit of a secret, most applicants never look at the actual job posting - SO... before we get started I want to lay out a few ground rules to actually get you in the door...

#1 - Read the entire listing, it will save you a lot of time & headache from the "Hunger Games" you'll be going through (I don't know if I got that reference right, but F-it...)

#2 - I Cuss... If you've got a problem with that... Keep looking, this company will fully repel you (or at least I will)

#3 - Somewhere in here is a secret code word that you'll need to include in your application... You'll put that into the 3rd question "other info you want us to know" - you can also add anything else in there, but it must start with the codeword...

BONUS TIP #1 - I love to have fun and work with people who are fun

BONUS TIP #2 - As a member of any company your "job" is not whatever you got hired for... it's to make the company a profit... that means you make the company more money than they spend for all expenses related to your role...

  • E.g. You must make us a 3x Profit within your first 90 days, and a 10x profit within 12 months to continue to have a position with us

  • "but some of the stuff I do doesn't make money?" - that may be true... but you can save us money - e.g. If someone in the company who makes more than you needs something done - and you can ultimately do it for less than they can... that increases profits for our company.

BONUS TIP #3 - I'm a marketer, so basically everything comes in 3 parts & the rest of are bonuses... and damn it if I don't create the best possible offer stack imaginable... LOL


Since you're still here that means you might just be as crazy as me, so keep reading and get ready to apply.

If you feel confident you can still get the role with us…

Let get into our company & culture:

We have been called to serve 100,000 experts, entrepreneurs, and executives to grow their community, monetize their list, and make an impact by becoming an #EmpireBuilder


$0 to $100k

Are you looking to create a business that can scale and grow with your Knowledge?

Learn how to create consistent and predictable lead flow into your business

Build High-Converting front end funnels to attract your dream customer

Establish your credibility as the leading expert in your industry


$100k to $1M

Are you ready systemize and automate your businesses so you can focus on your Network to create true freedom?

Leverage your team's core strengths and abilities to scale faster

Drive more traffic and increase conversions as you scale

Co-create your future by building key relationships that last a lifetime



Are looking for ways to transfer your wealth into passive income generating systems to grow your Net Worth?

Let your companies work on their own, while you build your empire

Find ways to innovate on what's working so you can get better results

Guide your following to grow by implementing what you've learned

How Do We Measure Success?

 Vital Metrics

The # of 

 Financial Objective:

$100,000 in Profit

 Additional Metrics:

+ 6,834 Engaged Leads

+ 5,315 Unengaged Leads

+ 7,736 Facebook Page Followers

+ 4,064 Facebook Group Members

+ 29.9k Instagram followers

Our Programs

Funnel Magazine™

Building a list is easy (when you use the Lead Funnel Framework) but knowing how to monetize that list requires your emails are getting delivered, your content converts, and your entire process is automated...

We brought in15+ Experts to show you how to monetize your list the proper way.

Register Now for The InBoxed Summit™

3 Days FREE then $197

Lead Funnel Framework™

The #1 way to create consistent predictable cash flow in your business is to build a list.

Every person on your list can easily be worth an average of $10 to $100+ per year…

We’ve scaled a company from ZERO to $120,000/yr in 9 days with a list of just 507 targeted leads.

The BEST Way to grow your list is to produce a high impact and minimal effort lead magnet that builds credibility and converts leads into buyers.

Would you like to learn how we create a lead magnet, lead funnel, email copy, and start to generate leads in under an hour.

Get our Lead Funnel Framework Training today.

$27 for the Training + $97 for 14 Days of Coaching

Inboxed Summit™

Building a list is easy (when you use the Lead Funnel Framework) but knowing how to monetize that list requires your emails are getting delivered, your content converts, and your entire process is automated...

We brought in15+ Experts to show you how to monetize your list the proper way.

Register Now for The InBoxed Summit™

3 Days FREE then $197

Launch Funnel Secrets™ (Book)

Get The Launch Funnel Secrets Book


Launch Funnel Framework™

Knowing the exact steps to take to scale a business to $100k a year isn't something they teach in school, or even in most mastermind programs. 

Yet I've done it 7 times...

So I wrote a book called Launch Funnel Secrets, and created a 90 day implementation training program that walks you step-by-step through the process to grow and scale your business by $100k/yr.

While, this can help any company under 7 figures a year, the companies that get the most value from it are looking to break through to multiple-6 figures a year.

Learn More about 

$1,997 or $597/mo x3 

Trifecta Funnel™ Framework

Get The Trifecta Funnel™ Framework Today

$2,497 or $997/mo x3

Live Launch™ Framework

Get The Live Launch™ Framework Today

$497 or $297/mo x2

Funnel Bot™

The only All-In-One Funnel Building & CRM System that's Simple To Use.

The first ever platform built to manage a Business's Online Presence & Customer Follow up, with two-way texting & email, sales pipeline management, customer reviews, automated scheduling, sales funnel website builder, SEO tools, and so much more.

Starting at $49/mo

Funnel Pixeler™

Dynamic End to End Funnel Tracking

Starting at $9/mo 

Market Maker™ Mentorship

Get Coaching and Mentorship to grow your business

$199/mo for Group

$999/mo for 1-on-1 + group

$20,000/mo with Hawk

Funnel Toolkit™

There's a TON of information out in the world on how to grow and scale your business, most of it is tactical in nature and often outdated the moment it goes live. 

Remember Periscope? Most don't - that's because it was a 3 month fad, that made a ton of people a ton of money - but it's now basically dead.

We don't believe that anyone should focus on fads or tactics that will only work for a short time and then die out, because that's not how to gain the visibility as a market leader, create consistent predictable cashflow, or make a lasting positive impact on the world. It's a way to get some quick cash... 

I'm not saying don't use those fads & tactics - just don't make them your business plan, otherwise you'll end up having to rebuild your business plan every few months riding what most call the entrepreneurial rollercoaster.

The best way to create sustainable growth is to put in systems and processes that can be evergreen and managed by a team member.

We start with some foundational "Funnel Toolkits" that will help you get an immediate edge in your business and market. From there we do a new workshop every month bringing in a market leader to teach a core strategy or process that you can implement into your business immediately...

These aren't just run of the mill training programs you learn something in and then never do anything with... Each one is an "Implementation Workshop" - you'll actually be implementing what you're learning DURING the workshops, and then turning it into a sustainable system in your business over the coming months.

Register For The Funnel Toolkit™

Starting at $97/mo

Funnel Framework Mastermind™

We do 3 Masterminds a Year:

Book Funnel Framework™ Mastermind

Webinar Funnel Framework™ Mastermind

Application Funnel Framework™ Mastermind

Join Today

All 3 Masterminds: $17,997 OR $4,997 + $1,497/mo x12

Pick One: $8,997 OR $4,997 + $997/mo x6

Our 5 Core Values

Build Simple & Sustainable Systems

Be Sustainable in everything you do by following the SOPs. Checking your work along the way, Create/Update SOPs as systems evolve.

Simplify everything by eliminating the unnecessary and focusing on what matters most.

We can scale with Systems so always look for ways to create structure around the systems we have and build systems when we need them.

Partner To Scale & Profit

When we do anything we make sure it's Profitable for us and for our partners, and the consumer.

We can only grow as much as our Partners do, so in order to grow together we must focus on true collaboration.

Validate ideas and projects by making sure they're Scalable.

Communicate to Add Value & Show Mastery

Over Communicate and ask to have anything clarified when you need. Ask for step-by-step instructions or examples so that you're always clear on what needs to be done.

Start by Adding Value in every interaction, share a resource, strategy or framework that could help before making a formal offer.

Mastery is a journey of growing and focusing on replicating what we already know works, stay in your lane and focus on your genius so that this partnership can grow as a whole.

Innovate & Test to Play A Bigger Game

Adapt to the changing market by Innovating on existing ideas instead of trying to create something new.

Always Test everything, just because something worked before doesn't mean it will work now. Try new things and even old things to see if there's a way to increase conversions or get a better response.

Business is a Game, let's be serious about having fun in our meetings, in our projects, in our partnership, in our lives. If it's not fun it's not worth focusing time and attention towards.

Take Ownership of All Problems and Be Transparent with All Solutions

Every Problem has a Solution and every Solution creates at least one (1) new Problem

Together we are all responsible for every failure, challenge and problem in the company; we must take extreme Ownership and work together to solve the problem

As we find solutions or have alternative solutions we share them, when others are missing a solution you believe will work, and when they have a solution you believe may not work, be Transparent and open your thoughts and opinion , come from a place of love and respect when sharing.

Our Guiding Principles

 "Partnership to Profit"

Every partnership should at it's core be designed to profit, as long as it aligns with our mission and values.

 "Simple is Sustainable"

A stoned teenager should be able to follow our systems.

 "We Go First"

Our Goal is to make you more money by the end of our first interaction than you could ever pay us, so you'll have no choice but to keep coming back.

 "Always Ask"

If you don't ask we'll never receive, so just ask. We'll always ask... for the sale, for the strategy, for the next steps, for...

 "Find the Fun"

If it's not fun it's not worth doing, and you can find someone else to do it.

 "Content is a Commodity"

Our Knowledge is (mostly) free, our helping you understand and implement that knowledge is not. If you ask for our help we'll give you the content you need to do what you want, but if you want our time and our support you'll need to pay us for it.

 "Compound Time"

Think of ways that you can get more done without doing more.

 "Innovation Is Integral"

Pay attention to the market and listen. Brands live and die by their ability to stay on the cutting edge, to change with the times, to watch the trends.

The #EmpireBuilder Manifesto

An Empire Builder Is A Driven, Motivated And an Innovative Expert, Entrepreneur or Executive; Always Looking To Create Positive Lasting Change On The World.

An Empire Builder Believes Their Mission Is Their Calling...

They Make Simple Sustainable Systems, Control Their Market, Disrupt The Status Quo And Innovate First

An Empire Builder Sees Content As A Commodity, Giving Their Knowledge Freely And Publicly In An Effort To Always Go First.

And Yet An Empire Builder Always Asks…

… For The Sale, For The Strategy, For The Next Steps, For…

They Know That Every Relationship Is A Partnership Meant To Make An Impact While Making A Profit.

#EmpireBuilders Define Their Future, Create Scalable - Profitable Businesses, And Innovate Consistently.

An Empire Builder Has Fun Every Day As The Guiding Light In Their Empire, Shaping The Future.

I Influence My Empire.

I Make An Impact On The World.

I Innovate To Profit.

I Am An Empire Builder

“We Put the Fun in Funnels, so Your Can Make Your Mark...et!™

A Bit About Our Leadership Team...

(Then we'll get into the "role, responsibilities, results, and requirements" portion...)

Hi I'm The Funnel Gamer, Hawk Mikado

- The Visionary at Funneltopia

I LOVE games... board games, MMOs, RPGs just about anything to have fun when we're not working - and if possible games at work too. Something that sets our company apart is we've gamified working... You'll earn XP and level up to get bonuses, raises, time on a passion project, and a way to get me to buy you Apple Products or even a vacation for you and your family...

I'm looking for people who love a challenge and are willing to go above and beyond in their work. I work on an accelerated schedule and I expect things done right in sometime unimaginable short periods of time...

But don't worry, it's not like the world will come to an end if you're 7 seconds late... 10s maybe... JK...


  • HIGH D in the DISC (My wife says the D Stands for D*ck - High Cs tend to not like working with me, unless of course they do and then we're golden)
  • Quickstart in Kolbe (This means that you'll probably get far less info than you think you need - so ask clarifying questions, LOTS OF THEM!)
  • Creator in Wealth Dynamics (I need a Supporter/Deal Maker Type & an Accumulator)
  • ENTP-A in 16 Personalities (Basically I'm an introverted extrovert - I'm quiet until I'm not... then it's game on!)
  • Generator in Human Design (I can go... and go... and go... and go... and go... and you get the point)
  • I Love Acts of Service (Take Sh!t off my plate, don't add to it)
  • There's a lot more... but this is a good place to start

Game On!

Hawk Mikado

Ultimately we're looking for people who can handle a fast-paced, high-pressure, startup-style, entrepreneurial company that will require you to bring your A-game.

You should be somewhat of an intrepreneur type (entrepreneurial spirit without the desire to be the boss) who will do the work w/o being asked.

We hope this letter has either got you so excited you can't help but jump out of your seat wanting to know more about the actual role at our company (scroll down just a tad)...

or in the odd case that you kept reading because you were curious but have no intention of actually applying that it entertained you among the horridly boring job postings you've been (possibly mindlessly) culling through, then we wish you the best...

Just an FYI... We assess abilities based on skill, not diplomas - and don't care if you went to school and got a degree if it's only theory - show me you know what you're doing. That said. When you submit your application to join our team there's not a spot for your CV/Resume because we don't look at it. We've hired over 100 people, had 1,000s of applicants and not once hired based on a resume, we're not going to start now.

We only care that you can do what's required of the role, you could be a complete noob and crush it, or a seasoned pro and fall flat on your ass.

This means that your REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE is all that counts!

Ready to know what the position entails? Here's the info you've been looking for...

Frequently Asked Questions

Employee or Contractor?

  • Willing to hire employees or Contractors - we prefer 1099/Contractors

Hours to work?

  • 9 am to 6 pm eastern (may change during travel schedule)

How much can I earn in my position?

  • Just like in a game, everyone starts with the same experience, same basic gear, You’ll earn what we call a “breadwinners base living wage” - which ultimately means only one person in the family needs to work to provide what is needed to live.

  • You can earn more, which is determined based on how much money you can save & how much profit you can help add to the company.

  • We have commission based and performance based opportunities too (Like appointment setting, or sales)

  • After your you get to LVL 5 (About 90ish to 180ish days based on how much you work) you will get your first raise. And by the time you’re level 28 you can earn up to 10x your base wage + bonuses + profit share

Pay & Bonuses:

  • You submit your appointments report & expenses on the 1st & 16th, We process payments to all team, vendors, contractors, partners, etc on the 5th of the month for the prior month from the 16th till the EOM & the 20th of the month for the 1st to the 15th of that month. Payment arrives in most banks within 48 hours but may be longer.

  • We also pay out 10% of our Quarterly Profits to the team members who qualify. (5% split for profit generated, 5% split for hours worked - for LVL 5+)

  • Bonuses paid at each LVL earned & at specific levels you can ask for a raise or a one time bonus.

What's up with this Earning XP? LVLs? Gamification?

  • Every task you create / complete earns you XP, every minute you work on projects earns you XP, every profit generating idea earns you XP, every quest (basically read/watch/learn & complete a quiz) you complete earns you XP...

  • As you earn more XP you gain levels... You get your LVL 1 Completion badge after you finish the onboarding, you then earn XP accordingly - if you worked full time & played full out you would hit LVL 5 within 90 days...

  • When you hit LVL 5+ You can earn quarterly bonuses & every level also has special bonuses that come with it...

  • Oh - and there are hearts... You can lose hearts, if you lose too many you no longer work with us.

  • Plus we have Company Currency "FunnelBux" which can be used to earn double pay days, gift cards to your favorite stores, or even an (almost) all expenses paid vacation for you and your entire (immediate) family, and more...

  • Learn More at: Levels & Bonus Pay at Funnel LLC

What's the Keyword (well its a phrase) for Question #3?

"Experts, Entrepreneurs, Executives Excitedly Experience Expanding Empires Everyday Everyone Exudes Excellence"

LOL - just a bit of fun with words - now say that out loud 5 times fast as you can! ROFL

What does the interview process look like?

1. You apply (obvi) including the personality assessments

2. If myself (or the person reviewing your application) feels like you're a fit for our company - you'll get a message on facebook messenger (yeah I don't do email if possible)

3. We have an informal get to know each other "phone interview"

4. If we both like each other after that call - we'll go over the next few steps of the process...

5. 2 Skills Tests (1st is 30m-1h unpaid & 2nd is 2-4 hours paid), & a final formal interview

6. If everything matches up, You get a formal offer

7. You accept that offer & complete your initial onboarding

I've decided I want to work with your company... what's the best way to demonstrate I want the role?

1. Let's Play 20 Question... (aka You Apply)

2. Be Proactive

3. Relentless Follow-up (I'm going to ignore you for a bit, you figure out how to stay top of mind)

Apply For The Role at Funneltopia

Open Positions at Funneltopia

Technical Assistant

Part Time to Full Time


Remote - Anywhere In The World

Reports to:

Stefan Atomei


Client Services


Breadwinners Living Wage

Operational Assistant

Part Time to Full Time


Remote - Anywhere In The World

Reports to:

Stefan Atomei


Client Services


Breadwinners Living Wage

Inside Sales

Part Time to Full Time


Remote - Anywhere In The World

Reports to:

Hawk Mikado




Breadwinners Living Wage + Performance Bonuses

 Support - Partners  - Member Login


Alliwin LLC | Toll-Free: 855.888.0965 | 5550 Glades Rd Suite 500 #1001 Boca Raton FL 33431

Funnel LLC is not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected with Google, Google.com or any of its subsidiaries or its affiliates. The official Google website can be found at https://Google.com. The name “Google” as well as related names, marks, emblems and images are registered trademarks of Alphabet Inc

Funnel LLC is not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected with Facebook, Instagram or any of its subsidiaries or its affiliates. The official Facebook website can be found at https://Facebook.com. The official Instagram website can be found at https://Instagram.com. The name “Facebook” and "Instagram" as well as related names, marks, emblems and images are registered trademarks of Facebook Inc. 

DISCLAIMER: The results stated above are results from Funnel LLC and/or it’s associates, employees, affiliate, partners, sponsors, contractors, or anyone else working directly or indirectly with Funnel LLC, herein referred to as “Company”. These results are not typical, we’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter).  

The average person who buys any “how to” information, coaching, mentorship, and even done-for-you gets little to no results. Company is using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors… including but not limited to your background, experience, work ethic, education, business model, market forces beyond your control and your ability to pivot effectively with the consistently changing market conditions. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action, therefor when you invest time, money, energy, resources or any other form of currency you're never guaranteed any type of positive return on your investment. We do not make any claims of your earnings, return on investment claims and you may never make your money back or the value of the other resources and currencies you invested.  

By entering your information in on this page, you represent that Funnel LLC (or any associates, employees, affiliate, partners, sponsors, contractors, or anyone else working directly or indirectly with Funnel LLC) may contact you and your business by email, telephone, sms, or postal mail for any purpose, including but not limited to (i) follow-up calls, (ii) satisfaction surveys, and (iii) inquiries about any orders you placed, or considered placing, on or through the Website or (iv) invitations to register for coaching, training, and/or any other type of resource.  

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